Donate to 2430 Group

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, 2430 Group relies on the generosity of donors like you to continue serving our mission. Help us continue to protect against threats from hostile states, to investigate at a depth normally reserved for government agencies, and to share our knowledge openly.

Humanitarian Aid in Afghanistan

We are currently focused on resettling nineteen identified and vetted U.S.-trained Afghan pilots and their nuclear families to the U.S.

As the Taliban advanced on Kabul in the fall of 2021, many people needed to be evacuated due to this imminent threat to their safety. Afghan Partners (including the Afghan National Army and Air Force, interpreters, Defense Contractors, and others) and their families faced immediate risks, persecution, and reprisal under the Taliban's rule. As U.S. forces gradually reduced their presence in Afghanistan, 2430 Group partnered with American and Afghan volunteers who had military or government experience united with a mission to rescue at-risk individuals and family members trapped inside Afghanistan.

​This informal network swiftly transformed into around-the-clock operations, diligently locating, protecting, and transporting people to Kabul airfield for evacuation. When Kabul became inaccessible, our efforts shifted north, overseeing charter flights, and facilitating passage for additional evacuees into Qatar. By the end of 2022, we had successfully evacuated 771 brave Afghan Partners, and their nuclear family members, who had fought alongside NATO Forces.

We are currently focused on resettling nineteen recently identified and vetted helicopter pilots and their nuclear families to the U.S.

Donate to our humanitarian efforts.

This is a respectful request for donations to support former Afghan pilots and their families with resettlement. They have escaped Afghanistan and now live temporarily in Pakistan awaiting resettlement processing.

Your donation will help to sustain our nineteen pilots and eighteen family members in Pakistan. Many families need help with housing, food, basic supplies, and medical care.

2430 Group is a recognized 501(c)3 entity as recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. All contributions are tax-deductible.